Friday, July 16, 2010

The Registry

There are both good and bad points about the registry our registry.  The good?  It allows for international billing addresses - both my fiance and I have tons of guests from outside Canada (US-based stores with Canadian locations don't allow for billing addresses outside Canada, so registring at places like Williams-Sonoma, Crate and Barrel or Bed, Bath and Beyond were out for us.  If Americans wanted to make purchases, they'd have to call in).   The bad?  There are sooooo many.  The first is that you don't get to see what the product is.  When you type in our names, you just get a list.  You then click on a button next to the product and type in the number you want to purchase.  There are NO pictures.  Does the store not realize that it's 2010?  Still, though, it's the biggest registry in Canada.  I don't get why they don't make any improvements.  Surely, people have complained!  The interface is seriously from like 1992 or something.  I realize that they don't have e-commerce, but STILL! 

Another issue is how they don't always notify you that something has been purchased.  I spoke with the store, and they said that this usually means that someone bought it at the store and took it home.  Not true.  When I went to the store to pick up some of the gifts (another problem - most other stores will SEND the gift to your house.  Not this place - you HAVE TO PICK UP!!  Totally WTF, no?), a rep said that they were purchased online.  So why wasn't I getting any e-mails?  I only found out who gave me the gift from a handwritten list at the store.  Again, WTF??!!

This store, a NATIONAL CHAIN, really needs to step up and enter the 21st century.  They have good products, just not a good website. 

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